CyanogenMod 12.1 Lollipop For MT6582
CyanogenMod 12.1 Beta 7 For MT6582 is an aftermarket ROM based on real Lollipop. Beta 7 is the latest Beta of Cyanogenmod 12.1 for MTK. Much more stable than previous builds and I have fixed many bugs from previous builds. All the new fixes are listed in the ROM FEATURES section below.
For all MT6582 devices Running Android Kitkat 4.4.x with kernel 3.4.67
Do not port this ROM without my permission, Do not duplicate,re-blog, re-share or copy anything from this website. A lot of time and hard work has gone to make this Build just about bugless. Do not change credits. Must give credits to everyone mentioned below in the THANKS TO : section this is number one priority.
First take permission from me, contact me via the contact form in this site.
The credits must look like this :
"This ROM has been powered by, the original ROM can be found at" This is a must, lot of hardwork has gone to make these ROMs
Note :
There are two builds :
1. Build 1 (Main Build) - Lower rate of success in porting and booting and might face bugs if ported but has all the new fixes like GPS, Compass and other stability fixes. Working on my device smoothly and really stable - No comments regarding not being able to port/boot this build
2. Build 2 - Higher rate of success in booting but GPS, Compass are not tested to work and there are no new stability improvements in this build but it is Real CM 12.1 Beta 7
For all MT6582 devices Running Android Kitkat 4.4.x with kernel 3.4.67
This version is super stable and GPS, Compass, USSD for more carriers is working and much more is working compared to Beta 7 For MT6592This ROM has been powered by
Do not port this ROM without my permission, Do not duplicate,re-blog, re-share or copy anything from this website. A lot of time and hard work has gone to make this Build just about bugless. Do not change credits. Must give credits to everyone mentioned below in the THANKS TO : section this is number one priority.
First take permission from me, contact me via the contact form in this site.
The credits must look like this :
"This ROM has been powered by, the original ROM can be found at" This is a must, lot of hardwork has gone to make these ROMs
Note :
There are two builds :
1. Build 1 (Main Build) - Lower rate of success in porting and booting and might face bugs if ported but has all the new fixes like GPS, Compass and other stability fixes. Working on my device smoothly and really stable - No comments regarding not being able to port/boot this build
2. Build 2 - Higher rate of success in booting but GPS, Compass are not tested to work and there are no new stability improvements in this build but it is Real CM 12.1 Beta 7
This ROM is for MT6582, so if you see MT6592 in recovery no problem I forgot to edit it.
Build 1 : CyanogenMod 12.1 Beta 7 For MT6582
Build 2 : CyanogenMod 12.1 Beta 7 For MT6582
USSD Fix For All Networks : Click Here
- Very stable
- All CM 12.1 Features
- GPS is working (Screenshot proof above)
- Compass is working (Screenshot proof above)
- Apps appear in app drawer without having to reboot
- Hotspot working (Screenshot proof above)
- Offline Charging working
- Power Bug Removed
- FM Radio sometimes works (mostly doesn't)
- 3G Working
- MIC Working
- Auto Rotate Working
- Smooth no lag
- Games like Clash Of Clans working smoothly
- USSD (only some carriers but range of carriers has increased)
- No network drops or call issues (called till 10 mins, no errors)
- Good battery backup
- VPN is working on PsiPhon and Orbot Perfectly (See screenshot proof Above)
- Much louder and high quality audio
- Input devices like Mouse and Keyboard working
- Proximity Sensor Is Working
- Many more fixes and changes
- Video recording doesn't work in default cam - added 3rd party app in ROM for fix
- Tell me
Step by Step guide here : Guide
Replace from stock to port :
- kernel or zimage depending on the tool you use
You must flash this with a Kitkat supported recovery. Such as the latest PhilZ or TWRP recovery. DO NOT post any comments or bug reports if you flash this with other recoveries
Join my FB Group for Updates on this ROM and more support :
- Some instructions must be followed in order for the the ROM to work how it is supposed to. Since it is a little long (not hard at all) I made a separate post for it.
Check the Post here : Click Here
Check the Post here : Click Here
- Fire855 - The man who made CM for MTK Possible
- Ajit Guraya - Making this ROM possible, Fixed many bugs (all fixes are listed in ROM FEATURES section), updating ROM, providing support, porting guide, making this ROM for MT6582
- pocarropa
- Iyke - For Helping Me a little in testing
- My FB group members - For suggestion and changes. Join it already guys (link above)
[5.1][STABLE] CyanogenMod 12.1 Beta 7 For MT6582 - GPS Working
Reviewed by MTK Hacker Pro
11:42 AM
![[5.1][STABLE] CyanogenMod 12.1 Beta 7 For MT6582 - GPS Working](