Bugless CyanogenMod 12.1 For MT6572
Bugless CyanogenMod 12.1 For MT6572 with FM Radio, GPS, USSD, Video Recording in stock cam and everything working. No bugs remaining and fully stable and smooth. All the fixes are listed in the ROM FEATURES : section below
All the thanks go to Fire855 for his amazing work, Isal Alexi for making this port possible. I just added some stability fixes and fixed a few bugs which people might/can face while portingThis ROM has been powered by http://www.mtkroms.com
Do not port this ROM without my permission, Do not duplicate,re-blog, re-share or copy anything from this website. A lot of time and hard work has gone to make this Build bugless. Do not change credits. Must give credits to everyone mentioned below in the THANKS TO : section, this is number one priority.
First take permission from me, contact me via the contact form in this site.
The credits must look like this :
"This ROM has been powered by http://mtkroms.com, the original ROM can be found at http://www.mtkroms.com/" This is a must, lot of hardwork has gone to make these ROMs
Note :
Bugs will only appear due to porting issues, This is completely for experienced porters so do not post any comment regarding you not being able to port/boot this ROM, such comments will be completely ignored
Note 2 :
Bugless CyanogenMod 12.1 will work on any MT6572 Device running Android Kitkat with kernel 3.4.67 after following the porting guide below so do not ask if this work on your device or not. YOU MUST PORT THE ROM. AND NO THIS WILL NOT WORK ON 4.2.2 JELLYBEAN
Download : Bugless CM 12.1 For MT6572
- All CM 12.1 features
- Super smooth
- Battery backup extended, it lasts for a fairly good amount of time
- Video Recording working in stock camera, so 3rd party apps needed
- USSD working
- GPS working
- VPN Working
- FM Radio working - only in headphones
- 1080P playback fixed
- Stability improvements
- No longer need to reboot for apps to appear in App Drawer
- No network drops
- And so much more, everything which you expect to get working in your stock ROM is working in this build of CM 12.1 for MT6592
- screen recording, gives green playback
- AudioFX FC
- FM Radio
- ERROR 404 No More Bugs not found
Step by Step guide : Click Here
Steps :
Replace all files from stock to port
- libmali.so
- gralloc_mt6572.so
- gralloc.so
- hwcomposer_mt6572.so
- kernel- open ueventd.mt6572.rc in CM 12.1 boot.img
#mali node
compare the #mali node with your stock ueventd.rc then repack
If stuck at starting apps or Android is upgrading then replace :-
- /framework-res.apk/res/xml/storage_list.xml
- /bin/vold
- /bin/sdcard
Reflash whole ROM with the new changes it is suggested that you replace these files from the previous Bugless CM 12.1 for MT6572 build
Join my FB Group for Early access, Updates on this ROM and more support :
Strictly follow these installation instructions : Click Here
Important Links :
- Q/A Post for All Lollipop Based ROMs (Contains all the fixes you need)
- Fire855 : The legend, made CM 12.1 for MTK possible
- Isal Alexi : Porter for MT6572
- Orata : Few bug fixes
- Ajit Guraya : Added more patches, and made the ROM more portable. Added stability fixes, porting guide, support, sharing and providing this ROM
[5.1][BUGLESS] CyanogenMod 12.1 V2.1 For MT6572 - No Bugs
Reviewed by MTK Hacker Pro
6:53 PM
![[5.1][BUGLESS] CyanogenMod 12.1 V2.1 For MT6572 - No Bugs](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgBugZWtnHdtH16VnI88LWSg1kXPKycVqlZXSnFIQZv8aQPflN2LsQfkr7dKmSNXB8xcG75ONidQFlRD8BZCYU3u09jrU3r5i2JJxSrC053Maqd5BNhRJ55Vw2eLRctCwHZf0M2LxbnQMg/s72-c/cyanogenmod-12-1-rom.jpg)